“Ready for a little dress up? Role-reversal even? Great! Fitting in perfectly between Oak Cliff Halloween block parties and noise house shows is a thoughtfully curated group exhibition (by the always welcomed Leigh Arnold) at CentralTrak titled, Sadie Hawkins, featuring female artists who touch on gender, sexuality and social norms. Appropriate for today’s climate, which sadly seems arrested in a sort of sadomasochism machismo towards women. For this edition of The Ten, THRWD corresponded with one of the exhibiting artists, Margaret Meehan, about the focus and themes behind the work she’s exhibiting this Saturday. ”
Read the full interview here.
Review of we were them
“The most striking work in the show is Meehan’s video, bluebird, where a tarred and feathered woman wearing a hood that reads, “I’m sorry” nervously sings Irving Berlin’s Blue Skies. The song, written in 1926, originally referenced immigrant optimism when adapting to a new country. This video is the Herzog narration for Meehan’s exhibit―distinct, commanding, and yet elusive. Unlike the other works in the exhibit, an actual person exists beneath the feathers and mask. The awareness of the human figure is key―she directly signifies us.” Read more by Debra Barrera on Glasstire.com.
Sadie Hawkins at CentralTrak

“Sadie Hawkins” opens this Saturday, Oct 26, at CentralTrak. A group show curated by Leigh A. Arnold focusing on challenging traditional gender expectations, role-reversal, and Feminist/post-Feminist sensibilities.
Opening reception 7-10 pm. Show runs Oct 26- Dec 14th, 2013. More info at: CentralTrak: The UT Dallas Artists Residency.
we were them – david shelton gallery, houston, texas
Lighthouse Works Residency
I’ll be here making work through September. It’s a fabulous place with generous energy. Applications are now being accepted for their next round of residents.